As many of us are challenged with today's stresses on ourselves, our families, and our friends, "How are you feeling?" has become a more familiar question we ask, and get asked, probably on a daily basis. It's an important question to ask, but an even more important question to answer. Especially with our young children who need to understand that it's good to talk about how we're feeling. The more the better. And not just about the good feelings, but the bad ones, and everything in between.
It's fair to say children usually know a lot more about what's going on in our lives than we give them credit for (I'm always amazed at how perceptive my young daughter is). However, children can (and often do) tend to keep things bottled up when they don't have the words to describe how they're feeling.
Our book Feelings to Share from A to Z (paperback, $7.99 at can help. However you can get this book into their little hands (perhaps after you've casually, but strategically, left it on the counter, nightstand or coffee table?) they'll be better off.

As focused as we all are on our hectic lives of work, errands, appointments, soccer or dance classes, and just generally trying to make ends meet, make time for this book. Trust me, children will relate to it and it will help them through the tough times now—and in the future. We owe them that. Afterall, their presence in our lives helps us through tough times...more than they'll ever know.
If you have a toddler, start with our sturdy board book version Feelings to Share ($5.59 at